Dr Garry Middle has been working in the EIA field since 1990 including:
- 10 years as a manager and assessment officer with the WA Environmental Protection Authority;
- Two years as the independent Appeals Convenor in WA advising the Minister for the Environment; and
- Seven years researching and teaching EIA at Curtin University;
- 18 Months as Chair of Great Victoria Desert Biodiversity Trust, an independent Trust fund dedicated to funding research and on-ground works in the Great Victoria Desert (current);
- A member of the International Association of Impact Assessment for 18 years (current);
- Member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Special Interest Group on Impact Assessment (current);
Garry has been involved as either an assessment officer or as the Appeals Convenor in a range of assessments, including LNG gas projects, iron ore & coal mines, roads, strategic assessments of land use planning instruments, tourism developments, water water treatment plants, ground water abstraction projects and gas pipelines.
Garry has:
- Organised a special symposium - State of environmental assessment in Australia. November 12th & 13th, 2012, Australian National University, Canberra:
- Organised a workshop - Aligning Federal and Western Australian EIA - The Future of Environmental Impact Assessment, 26 June, 2014;
- Been an invited Key note speaker “Environmental Assessment in Federations: Current Dynamics and Emerging Issues Australia, an academic perspective” Forum of Federations International Conference on Environmental Assessment, Ottawa, September 14,15, 2009;
- Between August to October 2012, appointed as single person Appeals Committee under the Environmental Protection Act (1986) to investigate appeals in objection to the Minister's decision to issue a Noise Approval Notice that sets levels on noise emissions from the Wagerup Alumina Refinery under regulation 17 of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997;
- Between May-November 2011, appointed as single person Appeals Committee under the Environmental Protection Act (1986) to investigate appeals against the WA Environmental Protection Authority’s report and recommendations on the proposed Vasse coal mine and project, shire of Augusta-Margaret River;
- In 2008 appointed by the Minister for the Environment to Chair a committee to review the legislation, administration and policy relating to the clearing of native vegetation in WA, notably the native vegetation clearing provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004.
Below is a list of the key research and other publications Dr Middle has carried out. The last link is a work in progress - a text book on the practice and theory of EIA is support of the teaching EIA:
- Review of the use of offsets in EIA in WA;
- Issues in the use of offsets;
- Timeliness of EIAs in WA; and
- Learning and EIA - A series of practice notes introducing the practice and theory of EIA