Purpose of this section of the website
I have been researching, writing, training and teaching in the environmental planning space for nearly 40 years now, and I have produced a range of reports and educational material in that time, As well I have recently released three books.
The main book is an overview of environmental planning as a practice with a particular focus on Western Australia (WA). You can purchase the whole book or separate chapter - in the right column. I have made the first two chapters available as free downloads (click on the links) -
Chapter 1 - Defining an environmental planning and sustainability; and
Chapter 2 - Geomorphology of the Swan Coastal Plain.
The other two books are about environmental impact assessment with a focus on the WA process and a book about a coat walk along the Perth-Peel coast.
The research material is listed below.
You can access and use that material by clicking on the links below and in the column to the right. NOTE: I retain the copyright for all this material so if you do use it please acknowledge me as the author.
Coastal research
Two studies related to both coastal values and the character of coastal locations and access to work I am doing on urban coastal trails - click on this link
Open space research
A study I have been the lead researcher on related to public open space planning, as well as my blog - click on this link.
Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Local Government
I have delivered training courses on Climate Change Risk Assessment for Local Governments, have facilitated the development of corporate climate change adaption plans for three local governments, and have produced the manual based on this experience to help guide Local Governments develop both corporate and community wide climate change adaptation plans that cover all the risks that global warming/heating and subsequent climate change pose. Click on this link to access the manual.
I have written three books for very different audiences.
Environmental Planning as a practice and a personal experience - A focus on Western Australia
This book explores the diverse discipline of environmental planning and is aimed at a general audience including students, practitioners, educators and the general public. It covers the technical, legislative and policy context of the subject but is written is a way that is understandable to anyone who who has an interest in environmental planning. I have working in this area for around 35 years and so I have included personal stories, observations and perspectives which I hope will provide the reader with a deeper understanding and perspective of environmental planning.
The book can be purchased as a whole or as individual chapters.
For more information about this book or to purchase the book or individual chapters, click on one of the links below. .
Environmental impact assessment
This book explores EIA as it is practiced, with a particular focus on the Western Australian (WA) process and practice. It will also look at what is happening in the Commonwealth and other States in Australia. WA specific case-studies are provided in some chapters to illustrate the points made in the general discussion of the chapter.
It can be used as a text book or as supporting material for an on-line course in EIA I run. Click here to find out more about the book, here to purchase it and here to find out about the on-line course in EIA.