Climate change planning


Experience and practice

Increasingly, Local Governments and Government Agencies are responding to the need to reduce their carbon emissions to assist in the global efforts to keep global warming to below 2C, and to adapt to the inevitable changes to the climate that are expected over the next decades due to global warming.

Garry has worked in the climate change planning area for 20 years, as a practitioner helping agencies plan around climate change, as an academic, and as a communicator. He has worked with several local governments to develop corporate emissions reduction and climate change adapting plans, and has worked with the WA Local Government Association to develop and deliver climate change risk assessment training for Local Government officers and elected members. As well, Garry has made presentations to several community groups to raise the awareness of the issues around climate change and to promote community action.

Completed projects

  1. Facilitating and writing the Shire of Boddington’s corporate climate change emission reduction and adaption report;

  2. Facilitating workshops to update to the City of Kwinana’s corporate climate change risk assessment;

  3. Developing an easy to use agency carbon emissions audit calculator;

  4. Delivering climate change risk assessment training for Local Government officers and elected members for WALGA;

  5. Facilitating and writing the City of Swan’s corporate climate change adaption report;

  6. Writing a manual for completing an agency corporate climate change adaption report.