Garry's key areas of expertise are:
- Environmental impact assessment;
- Coastal planning, especially climate change adaptation planning;
- General climate change adaptation planning;
- Trails planning;
- Open space planning.
Here is a sample of the projects Garry has carried out:
- City of Swan City’s Operations Divisional climate change risk action plan;
- Strategic advice to the City of Rockingham on proposed Mangles Bay Marina;
- Independent review of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment assessment of Phosphate Resources Ltd Proposal for phosphate mining on Christmas Island;
- Expert advice to Gingin Dandaragan Coastal Hazard Risk Management & Adaptation Planning;
- Advice for the City of Rockingham on the draft Perth and Peel Green Growth Plan for 3.5 million;
- Advice on the environmental and planning impacts/implications of a Proposed Piggery No 898, Lot 3616 Agaton Road, Dandaragan;
- providing advice as part of the CoastExchange Expert Panel;
- Advice to the City of Rockingham on the robustness, rigour and impartiality of the Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) conducted for the Kwinana Rail Loop and Spur Study;
- Appointed as single person Appeals Committee under the Environmental Protection Act (1986) to investigate appeals in objection to the Minister's decision to issue a Noise Approval Notice that sets levels on noise emissions from the Wagerup Alumina Refinery under regulation 17 of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations;
- Appointed as single person Appeals Committee under the Environmental Protection Act (1986) to investigate appeals against the WA Environmental Protection Authority’s report and recommendations on the proposed Vasse coal mine and project, shire of Augusta-Margaret River;