Garry offers consulting services in the following areas
Providing advice in the following areas -
Environmental impact assessment - in particular the WA EIA processes;
Agency climate change adaptation planning - guidance and preparation of agency-wide (government. and industry) climate change adaptation planning.
Environmental policy, legislation; and
Coastal planning.
Training - on-line and in-person
I offer training in three particular areas:
Environmental impact assessment
Biodiversity offsets - click here to find out more; and
Climate change risk assessment and adaptation planning - face to face - email Garry to find out more - email:
Meeting and workshop facilitation
Garry offers meeting and workshop facilitation service, in particular in the environmental planning space/.
Recent projects
Facilitating and writing the Shire of Boddington’s climate change emission reduction and adaption report;
Providing policy advice to Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation on the renewable hydrogen industry in WA;
For the NSW Central Coast Council - completing studies on the Social and Recreational values of their coastal and lakes - stages 1 and 2;
Facilitating workshops to update to the City of Kwinana’s climate change risk assessment
Appointed as the chair of an Appeals Committee investigating the Appeals against the EPA’s report on the draft South West Forest Management Plan;
Identifying Planning Schemes and Planning Codes to be prescribed under new sections 48AAA and 48AAB Environmental Protection Act 1986, for the EPA Services;
Running training courses for WA Local Government Association to train officers is carrying out climate change risk assessment;
One-day professional training course for the Planning Institute of Australia on EIA in WA.
Two-day training course on environmental essential for the officers working in the mining industry.